About us

About Us


Inspired Foundation is a non-profitable organisation, that focuses on empowering young people and enhancing their capabilities. Inspired Foundation was established in April 2017. Since then, it has continuously delivered an array of educational, cultural, religious, and recreational services, predominantly in London and within the Afghani community.


Our Motto

“I only intend betterment and reform to the best of my ability; and my success comes only through Allah.” (Qur’an 11.88)


General Aims

  • Spreading the true and moderate message of Islam
  • Encouraging young people towards further Education
  • Propagating the importance of Sport and wellbeing
  • Propagating the value of Afghan culture and history.


How do we achieve our aims?

  • By having a membership made up of strong knowledgeable and resolute individuals.
  • By delivering services that are relevant to the needs of our communities.
  • By coordinating with other organisations who share the broad aims and objectives of Inspired Foundation.
  • By working on all levels and applying the notions of universality and the comprehensiveness with the services we deliver.

Our Aspiration:

  • To be an organisation that meets the dynamic needs of the communities we serve.
  • To be an organisation that reflects the diversity of the Muslim community and leads the way in promoting the true and moderate message of Islam
  • To develop a constructive and mutually beneficial relationship with the wider non-Muslim community whilst remaining true to Islam and its noble principles.
  • To be an organisation that supports charitable work in its wide spheres, beginning with local issues like homelessness, food banks, supporting the vulnerable of young and old, etc.
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