Remembering Allah ﷻ – Part 4

BRANCHES OF FAITH: Remembering Allah ﷻ – Part 4

● In terms of rank and virtue, the heart’s Dhikr is considered superior to the tongue while the perfect form is a combination of both. In Surah Aalu Imran (Qur’an 3:190 – 195), Allah ﷻ describes the people understanding & reason as those who combined the heart’s reflection with the tongue remembrance.

● Despite the heart’s Dhikr being superior, one mustn’t totally disregard the other form (tongue) even if it is devoid of reflection because the tongue through repetition can eventually move and inspire the heart.

● Sulaiman Al Khawas said: “Remembrance of God in relationship to the heart is like nourishment relative to the body, thus as the body cannot find pleasure in food when it is sick, likewise the heart cannot find the sweetness of Dhikr when it is in love with the material world.”

Remembering Allah ﷻ – Part 4

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