Branches of Iman: Fulfilling Trusts (Part 4)

Amaanah at the Social level

“Everyone of you is a shepherd (leader or trustee) and each one of you is answerable to Allah with regard to the trust that was given to you. [Bukhari & Muslim] We learn from the above hadith that Amaanah is not limited to a select few; rather each and every person carries a part of the trust. A ruler is a trustee and is responsible for the people he leads, a man is responsible for his wife and offspring, a woman is a trustee and is responsible for her household and children. Even the work entrusted to us is a trust, while undoing it is betrayal. From the prophetic traditions, the trusts that is considered most worthy of fulfillment are those related to marital relationships. Secrets and trusts related to this relationship should never be revealed onto outsiders. They should also afford the same courtesy to other families by not investigating others’ livelihoods nor interrogating them about what they did, what they cooked, what they ate, whom they visited or what they wore during each gathering!

Branches of Iman: Fulfilling Trusts (Part 4)

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