Preserving Ramadan: (Part 2)

Allah (SWT) informs us in the Qur’an that, “Indeed the good deeds drive away the evil deeds. This is a Reminder to those who are mindful of Allah” (11:114).

The purpose of such extensive worship during Ramadan is to enable us to remain steadfast and sincere in the upcoming months. Indeed, a sign of acceptance of good deeds is for them to be succeeded by more good deeds thereafter, and one’s ability to abstain from prohibited actions & speech.

In surah Muhammad, Allah (SWT) commands us to remain obedient to Him and His messenger and warns us against doing anything that could do away with our good deeds and bring them to nothing. ⬇

يا أَيُّهَا الَّذينَ آمَنوا أَطيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطيعُوا الرَّسولَ وَلا تُبطِلوا أَعمالَكُم

Believers, obey God and obey the messenger, and do not let your deeds come to nothing”.

Some of the scholars state that this verse refers to following up good deeds with disobedience. May Allah grant us all steadfastness!

Preserving Ramadan: (Part 2)

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