Preserving Ramadan (Part 3)

◼️Worshipping Allah should not be restricted to Ramadan alone for there is no end to the Muslim’s worship except when he dies (refer to the last ayah of Surah Al Hijr).

◼️Certainly, there are signs for the acceptance and rejection of deeds in Ramadan. Among the signs of acceptance of good deeds is to follow them with more good deeds. Likewise, it is a sign of rejection to follow one’s good deeds with evil ones (refer to Surah Hud Ayah 114).

◼️The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: _“Fear Allah wherever you are, follow the evil deed with a good one to erase it, and treat people with good manners.” (At-Tirmidhi)_

Preserving Ramadan (Part 3)

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