Preserving Ramadan (Final Part)

◼️Even though night prayer during Ramadan might have gone, night prayer throughout the year is also highly recommended. In the beautiful Hadith narrated by At Tirmidhi where Muaadh RA asked the messenger of Allah (ﷺ): _”Inform me of an act which will cause me to enter Jannah and keep me far from Hell”, _ part of the prophet response was
_“standing in prayers by a slave of Allah during the last third part of the night.” Then he SAWS recited the 16th and 17th verses of Surah Sajda._
◼️While there are some youths, who during the noble month of Ramadan, were busy passing their time in lustful things, sins and acts of disobedience, there are others who were busy doing deeds of righteousness such as i`tikaf (spiritual retreat) in the houses of Allah. They gave preference to their Lord’s obedience over their own desires. You would see them bowing, prostrating, and reciting the Glorious Qur’an. Such youths are the hope and pride of this Ummah!
May Allah grant us righteousness and Istiqaamah. Allahumma Aameen.

Preserving Ramadan (Final Part)

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